Our Purpose
DCC purpose is to be a biblical church with ministries such as prayer/intercessory, women, men, youth and school of the Bible, to propagate and practice the full gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and serve her community. Earnestly seeking to promote unity amongst God’s people in the scriptural manner of Godly love, respect and care for all.
Our Focus
DCC focus is to be a body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Holy spirit with divine appointments for the fulfillment of the great commission. Each believer born of the spirit is an integral part of the church which is written in heaven (Ephesians 1:22-23).
Our Identity
DCC identity is a multicultural Community of believers committed to love, service and leadership. We are striving to love everyone with the love of Jesus Christ, serve like Jesus has served us all and lead everyone to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.